October 2020 KKFI Upgrades, Production Studio Almost Done!

October 2020 KKFI Upgrades, Production Studio Almost Done!

Posted by: Darryl Oliver Category: 2020 Upgrade, Community, Station News Comments: 0

Even More Progress!

Work continues on the new Production Studio. Speakers have been securely installed with power above the ceiling. New microphones and boom arms are being mounted to desk. KKFI Volunteer Scott Stanton is handling electrical needs and will be installing a “RECORDING” light outside the studio doorway.  Work on Systems Upgrades continues. New computers have been installed and are up and running. New PAL systems are still being configured. KKFI Volunteer Darrel Hoffman (EFT) is working hard on setup and configuration of new systems.
Phase #1 – New Production Studio:
  • Studio monitors (speakers) were installed securely to studio wall by Bill Sundahl and Chad Brothers
  • Mixing console has been installed and tested, microphones will be installed within next week
  • Volunteer Scott Stanton (certified union electrician) installed power above ceiling for speakers
  • “Recording Now” light will be installed outside studio door by Scott Stanton
  • Will reach out to Kenton Security to get quotes on door lock and surveillance camera
  • Updated estimated completion date of new Production Studio: mid-November
Systems Upgrades progress:
  • Darryl Hoffman (of EFT) set up new computers and server storage in PAL room
  • Computers are up and running, new systems will be configured within next two weeks
  • Once systems are completely set up, we’ll have a period of 2-3 weeks of testing and training before we “go live” with the new systems. Programmers and engineers will have the opportunity to work on these systems prior to them being implemented in the on-air studio. More communication and direction will be sent out station-wide as we enter that phase of the project
  • Estimated completion date of Systems Upgrades: end of November
Total Improvements Project spending to-date is $21,701

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