Musicians, Near and Far, Support Community Radio

Diana Linn, host of the Tuesday morning Americana show Tasty Brew, devotes a large part of her spare time not just listening to music, but also connecting with musicians and performers. To help her pitch for listener support of her weekly show and for KKFI 90.1 FM during the Winter Fund Drive through February 9, 2014, Diana asked musicians to share their appreciation for the station.
Craig Havighurst, Music City Roots radio show:
People complain a lot about music not being what it once was, but I feel like there’s a really exciting movement going on across our country. As we’ve done several times in the past, we are rediscovering our American folk music traditions and rediscovering our own potential to make music as parts of communities and families.
There seems to be a backlash against music that’s over-produced and over-processed so that we can hear space and dynamics again. We see African-American artists tap back into country blues and old-time traditions that were overlooked or suppressed for a long time. And what’s really going to keep this values-driven movement going is the cultivation of local music scenes. No town, no matter how small, should be without venues where people can play open mics, meet one another and showcase the best artists emerging in their regions. And maybe most important, they need trusted, enthusiastic radio stations that welcome those artists – live and on record – as they step onto the road of professionalism.
I mean it’s happening in food with the loco-vore, farm-to-table idea, and it’s happening with craft brewed beer and locally roasted coffee. And it’s happening with music too. But it depends on great locally minded radio stations like KKFI that celebrate music made in the community. We sure appreciate you guys and wish you all the best.
Jen Mize, Musician, Queensland, Australia:
Hello there all you good folks of Kansas City and beyond!
I’m currently enjoying a balmy Summer’s day here in sunny Queensland, Australia! I’ve just hung my washing out on the line, fed the Chooks (Aussie slang for chickens) and I’m writing these words thinking about the great programming you have to listen to on 90.1 FM KKFI! Believe it or not, I too get to tune in to listen to this great music, even from half a world away Down Under!
I had the pleasure of having my songs discovered by the lovely Diana Linn of the Tasty Brew edition of Your Tuesday Morning Buzz, at the recent Americana Music Festival, held in Nashville last Sept. I put one of my CD’s in each goodie bag that was given out at the conference…Diana Linn was diligent and gave it a spin when she got home, then contacted me to say that she enjoyed it enough to play it!
I hope you can understand the relationship between an artist and the first DJ to play his/her music… it’s everything we strive for come true. I’m going to continue trying to make music I can be proud of, and music that great programmers like Diana Linn can get to the ears of listeners like you! If you are like me, and really enjoy discovering music, music you would never hear on commercial radio, keep community radio and it’s music alive and pledge what you can!
Signing off from Glass House Mountains, Australia!
Ebbe Weile, Musician from the Band Sam Robas, Denmark
The greatest experiences in my many years of writing music and traveling all over the world, have always been connected to the fact that music is a universal language and that it knows no borders. One of these fine experiences was to have my Danish recordings discovered by a Kansas City DJ, and then become a featured artist on 90.1 FM KKFI.
Community radio stations like KKFI, who allow people with a true love of music on air, will always be my favorite place to have my music played, simply because people who love my music means a whole lot more to me than people who love to make money from my music. So a big thank you goes out to Diana Linn and 90.1 FM KKFI for bringing my music to the listeners in Kansas City. Hope to be able to see you all live some day.
Lyal Strickland, Musician, Buffalo, Missouri
The power of radio has long been closed to independent music. KKFI isn’t.
There’s a vast soundscape of music online with no one to guide you towards the best tunes. KKFI wraps it up and delivers it with a bow. The warmth and support KKFI has shown my music has been wonderful. It’s encouraging that stations like KKFI exist. KKFI brings true music lovers out to my shows in KC. Through their 24/7 streaming, they expose my fans to the artists I listen to, and create a skeletal framework of just plain good music. They give musicians the hope that right person will hear the right song and it will move them in the right way. True community is hard to find these days, and radio is no exception. KKFI is driven by community. Things are better when they’re shared. Music isn’t a solo venture, and speakers have always been more fun than headphones.
If you agree with these musicians that KKFI has aired music you don’t hear any where else on the radio dial, then call in your tax-deductible donation at 888.931.0901 or securely Donate Online.