KKFI Spring Dance: DJ Leo Night Us, Grand Marquis, Various Blonde, Duncan Burnett, Marching Cobras

KKFI Spring Dance: DJ Leo Night Us, Grand Marquis, Various Blonde, Duncan Burnett, Marching Cobras

Well we’ve had a pretty crazy month with lots and lots of show to attend.  It’s been a total blast, but we are waaaaay behind editing.  Sometimes it’s difficult balancing the day job and hobby gig.  However, we’re going to keep bringing you as much as we can with the time we do have.

Back in May, KKFI had it’s annual Spring Dance fundraiser at Prohibition Hall the newish venue located just north of P&L on McGee.  This year organizer’s yet again managed to reinvent the format with a great lineup of dance oriented acts including: The Grand Marquis, Various Blonde, DJ Leo Night Us, the Marching Cobras, and Duncan Burnett & the Riot.  There was a “dance battle” between the Grand Marquis and the swing dancers versus the DJ Leo Night Us and the break dancers.  Check out the event below:





Click for more dancing

Marching Cobras




Click for more Marching Cobras

Various Blonde




Click for more Various Blonde

Duncan Burnett & the Riot




Click for more of Duncan Burnett

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