KKFI Kicks Off Strategic Planning Effort…with your help!

KKFI Kicks Off Strategic Planning Effort…with your help!

Posted by: Matt Quinn Category: Uncategorized Comments: 0

Strategic PlanningAs KKFI’s 25th anniversary approaches the radio station is embarking on an exciting and critical process to our future. We have engaged consultants from Paradigm Shift Studio to facilitate a strategic planning process for a three-year plan and ensure that we are equipped with the best goals, skills and resources to implement this Strategic Plan.

Our goal is to create a plan that ensures we are meeting our mission, capitalizes on our organization’s strengths, identifies opportunities, articulates a common vision and provides a specific roadmap for achieving our collective vision.

What we need from you is YOU! An important goal of this process is to be inclusive of all of our membership and community. Your participation in this process is essential to obtaining a great plan that articulates a collective vision and a roadmap to this vision. You are valuable to the organization and your voice is important to the future of KKFI.

There are three phases to this process and you will be asked to participate in at least one phase:

  • respond to an anonymous survey,
  • participate in a visioning session or
  • serve on the planning committee.

This is your chance to play a significant role over the next few months in shaping the future of KKFI and we welcome your participation. If you would like to participate in a specific role, please let us know by contacting Matt Quinn, 816-237-0651, or email at [email protected].

Background on Strategic Planning for KKFI 90.1 FM

Nonprofit organizations, small and large, occasionally conduct strategic planning to refine their vision, mission, and goals. This process updates the Strategic Plan, or the “master plan.” The purpose of the planning is to develop concrete goals and plans beyond the mission statement, taking into consideration the resources available.

The planning committee is currently comprised of Valerie Andruss, Patricia Ingraham, Kathy Peters, Tamara Severns, Judy Ancel, DeShai Hamption and Matt Quinn. The committee is working to engage people from all areas of KKFI stakeholder group – staff members, donors, volunteers, board of directors, programmers, Community Advisory Council and Active Members – to develop a strategic plan.

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