KKFI is “Local and Vocal”; Show Your Support Through Feb. 8
Local and Vocal — two words that rhyme for a reason.
KKFI is a homegrown product, volunteer-driven and nurtured locally by donors like you who give generously to make sure our mission is adhered to. Here’s that mission statement.
KKFI is the Kansas City area’s independent, noncommercial community radio station. We seek to stimulate, educate and entertain our audience, to reflect the diversity of the local and world community, and to provide a channel for individuals and groups, issues and music that have been overlooked, suppressed or under-represented by other media.
KKFI is vocal, giving full-throated voice to news, views and issues that may run counter to the homogenous sound bites broadcast by the commercial media.
For more than a quarter century, KKFI has given hundreds of local musicians an audience, airing some of the best local talent around. KKFI gave them a shot when nobody else would.
Every year KKFI has a local-band auction in the KKFI studios where more than 100 local bands are showcased, giving exposure to new talent.
Every Thursday evening from 8-10 p.m., KKFI spotlights musicians on “Local Showcase,” two-hours devoted exclusively to up-and-comers just making their way on the local music scene, as well as seasoned groups who have already made names for themselves. Plus you’ll hear local talent on many other shows as well.
I come to you now asking you to show your support for KKFI and its mission by making a generous tax-deductible pledge of support for programming you’ll hear only on KKFI.
Your gift today will help KKFI get that much closer to the goal of finishing the drive successfully and generating the resources required to maintain your trust in KKFI’s local and vocal public-affairs and music programming. Once we reach the goal of $70,000, it will be back to regular programming.
If you agree with me that we need to hear local and vocal radio, please take a moment to show your support. Make a secure, on-line donation at KKFI.org today.
Kathy Peters
Board of Directors