Electric Lungs Album Release at Davey’s Uptown
Back on Friday the 13th, the Electric Lungs released their latest full-length album, “Don’t Be Ashamed of the Way You Were Made” at Davey’s Uptown. Hair metal throwback Bone Spur, spooky rockers the Haunted Creepies, and Kodascope provided support. There’s audio of pretty much the entire show for your listening pleasures.
I would also suggest you go and get a copy of the Lungs new album. It has been stuck in my CD player since I put it in.
Bone Spur
Click for more Bone Spur |
The Haunted Creepies
Click for more Haunted Creepies |
The Electric Lungs
Click for more Electric Lungs |
Click for more Kodascope |
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bone spur, concerts, Davey’s Uptown, Dont be ashamed of the way you were made, electric lungs, haunted creepies, kodascope, Live Music, photography
Published on
12/8/15, 10:34 PM
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