90.1 FM Listeners Demand Changes to Website

90.1 FM Listeners Demand Changes to Website

Posted by: Matt Quinn Category: Uncategorized Comments: 0

KKFI 90.1 FM radio listeners spoke up and we listened.

You wanted podcasts of public affairs shows and an improved “Listen Now” feature, so KKFI delivered. Look forward to these new website changes on Monday, September 30 sometime after 4:00 p.m.

Radio listeners requested a way to follow their favorite public affairs and arts programs by listening to episodes they missed during the on-air broadcast schedule. After the website upgrade you will be able to listen to these shows with your Apple iPod or MP3 player.

Another change you asked for was a way to listen to the station directly from a web browser, without opening up a media player. This allows you to listen from your mobile and phone devices more easily. This is  the first step to make our website more mobile-friendly since now 8% of you access the site from these devices. A year ago only 4% of website visitors were using mobile devices.

Here are the major changes we will make on the site available on Monday, September 30 after 4:00 p.m.

  • Audio archiving for on-demand listening to public affairs shows.  This feature will bring full podcasting to listeners to follow their favorite public affairs programs.

  • A new web-based LISTEN NOW option that allows you to listen directly from your web browser. This feature supports Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer web browsers, including mobile browsers.

  • An updated “Featured Episodes” section – click through 12 episodes on the home page, all above “the fold” on the home page.

  • Style changes to the Program Episode and Program page layouts, along with a stream-lined top navigation menu (drop-down menus) on the home page.

  • Added author Jared McNett, who is writing music reviews for you to get insight into new releases by a variety of musicians.

KKFI has enhanced the website with the help of financial donations from listeners. Thank you for your continued support — without your support we would not be able to improve the KKFI website.

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